Why is Compassionate Health Care needed?
According to Stats Indiana, Fulton County has 13% of its population living at or below the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Many more of our Fulton County neighbors are living just above federal poverty level and cannot afford good preventative health care. Today, it is estimated that approximately 12% of our population does not have health insurance.
How is Compassionate Health Care funded?
CHC does not receive federal or state funding. The center relies on donations, grants and fundraisers.
Will Woodlawn Hopsital own Compassionate Health Care Center?
No. However, Woodlawn is a major supporter of the clinic.
How is the center managed?
The center is managed by an executive director who is responsible for the daily operations of the center. A
board of directors oversees all aspects of the center.
Who is eligible to be a patient?
Any Fulton County resident between 18 and 64 years old who is uninsured, living below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level and does not qualify for any existing State or Federal sponsored program may be eligible.
How do people apply?
A Fulton County resident who wishes to be a patient of the Compassionate Health Center will be asked to come to the clinic and fill out an application. The applicant must be uninsured, live in Fulton County, age 18 – 64 and not be enrolled in any state or federal healthcare program such as Medicare or Medicaid. The client should bring a photo ID, proof of Fulton County residency (utility bill or other mail). Each client will also provide proof of total household income and a copy of their most recent tax return. Staff will review the application and verify the information. If all the information is confirmed and the client’s income is below 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, the clinic will notify the applicant that they have been accepted as a patient.
Documents Needed: Financial Information – for each person living in household (We use total household income).
- Proof of Fulton County residency (example – utility bill)
- Current photo ID (driver’s license or state issued photo id)
- Check stubs from the last 30 days
- Most recent federal tax information (IRS Form 1040)
- Social Security/SSI/SSD award letter amount
- Proof of benefits received (child support, township/energy/assistance or pension.
- Food Stamp letter with amount/Medicaid pending status or denial
- If no income, then need Social Security card.
- If the application is complete, staff will make every effort to deem the applicant’s eligibility at that visit. If the applicant is missing information they will have 30 days to turn in paperwork.
What services will be provided?
The client can expect to receive basic health exams, screenings, medication assistance, basic lab/x-ray services, limited dental and mental health counseling. The center does not provide emergent care. If a patient has a cut, been in an accident or has extreme abdominal or chest pain, they should go directly to the closest hospital Emergency Room.
What is the cost for services?
The services on site at CHC are provided without charge. Your donation however, helps us to continue serving the needs of the uninsured in Fulton County.
A healthcare provider may order tests or services that are not covered. The patient is responsible for these charges. For example, if a patient has an X-ray, there will be a charge from the radiologist who reads your result. We have worked with the radiology group to reduce the charges to CHC patients. A referral to a specialist may also be necessary. There may be a charge for these visits.
How will I get medications?
Our staff may prescribe medications for you to treat your symptoms and the clinic may have medications provided by the manufacturer to give to you. The staff will, when possible, use low cost medications available through local pharmacies. The center will also work with different pharmaceutical companies to arrange for free or low cost medications. Each company has their own guidelines to qualify for free or reduced cost medications.